Friday, February 22, 2008

Fun Links

Some fun-links to try out.

  • Humor columnist Tim Bete

  • Bruce Cameron, a good humorist; his stuff translates well over the Web.

  • Funology, a site just for fun, for all ages.

  • horn+swaggled blog, that dabbles in religion-world satire

  • Laugh and Lift :)

  • The Leviathan, which puts the 'fun' back in fundamentalism. (Y'mean there was some?)

  • Try it just for laughs.

  • Peggie's Place, Peggie Bohannon's pleasant place to stop off during a long
    hard night's Netsurfing. (Bohannon also is one of the pioneer Christian believers on the Web.)

  • the Phantom Tollbooth. (Not easy to describe; you have to dig into it to get a grasp of it. Enjoy!)

  • the long-running Ship of Fools satirical magazine. I'd never even heard of them until I stumbled onto this web home for the bizarrly faithful. Also, their digital Church of Fools, and their version of the history of saints, Loose Canons.

  • one version of the origin of April Fool's Day.

  •, a good resources for checking over those on-line hoaxes and 'urban legends'.

  • A check-up for your attitude, with
    Dr. Thorson's Humor Scale

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