Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bob Longman radio show, 20 January 2008, WUSB

Bob Longman Sun 12:30-2:30 pm 20 January 2008
WUSB 90.1 FM Stony Brook NY,

Moontown -- Pierce Pettis -- State of Grace
Empty My Hands -- Christopher Williams -- The Silence In Between
Don't Ever Let Your Spirit Down -- Eric Bibb -- An Evening With... -- N
Sun's Gonna Shine One Day -- Eleanor Ellis -- Comin' A Time -- N
The Great Change -- Mainline Gospel Trio -- -- L
We Shall Not Be Moved -- Mavis Staples -- We'll Never Turn Back
Drifting -- Bebo Norman -- Try
Snow -- Loreena McKennitt
Chanting Waves -- Dave Bainbridge -- Veil of Gossamer
Veil of Gossamer -- Dave Bainbridge -- Veil of Gossamer
Ambergris March -- Bjork
Breathe -- Keller Williams -- Breathe -- N
One More River -- Sam Cooke & the Soul Stirrers
Worthy (acoustic mix) -- Sara Brenner -- Unsteady Ground -- L
Time -- Lou Rawls -- the Essential... -- "N"
She's Gone (With the Wind) -- 5 Satins -- Lost Treasures
A.K.A. Papa Funk -- Jimmy McIntosh -- Orleans to London -- N
Impermanent Things -- Peter Himmelman
To Be Alone With You -- Sufjan Stevens
Lullabye -- Tim Blane -- Clockwork -- N
Love Is the Water -- Pat Wictor -- Waiting For the Water -- L
The World Keeps You Waiting -- New York Voices -- A Day Like This -- N
More -- Charlotte Doreen Small -- More -- N
Careful How You Break My Heart -- Jory Nash -- Folk Jazz Blues Soul
Disappear -- Michael Korb -- Ghosts -- N
(Reach Out and) Touch -- Steve Scott -- Magnificent Obsession
Bayou Betty -- Bonerama -- Bringing It Home -- N

McKennitt can at times be tedious, but at other times, such as on this track, superb.
The Voices put together a jazzy concoction that's crammed with top-drawer group singing.
At this point, it's about 20 years old, but Touch is still a dramatic, rhythmic, snippeted delight.
Bonerama's a trombone band from Nawlins way, with some promising brassy sounds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bonerama ROCKS! Did you see them at the Sugar Bowl? They rocked the National anthem! I can't wait to see them live! Thanks for playing their music.